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Table 2 Risk assessment for transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ( A ) and hepatitis B ( B ) by instruments autoclaved inside the Steriset Container on a gravity cycle

From: A case study of a real-time evaluation of the risk of disease transmission associated with a failure to follow recommended sterilization procedures



Factors contributing to exposure risk

Calculated risk

Supporting reference or data

MRSA prevalence in hospital inpatient population (15%)


Infection Control Department data from the involved hospital

Risk of transmission via contaminated instruments


Assume highest risk

Likelihood that contaminated instrument was used


Assume highest risk

Efficacy of washer/disinfector


Table 1. Consistent removal of 99.999% or more of inoculated MRSA

Effect of MRSA desiccation


[5] and authors’ unpublished data

Effect of autoclaving inside the Steriset Container on gravity cycle (270 F for 15 minutes, pressure 28–30 psig)


Table 1. Consistent killing of 108 colony-forming units (CFU) of MRSA in liquid suspension (limit of detection <1 log10CFU/mL)

Individual risk

~1 × 10-14 (1 in 100 trillion)


(B) Hepatitis B virus (HBV)*


Factors contributing to exposure risk

Calculated risk

Supporting reference or data

Prevalence of hepatitis B (HBsAg positive) in U.S. population (0.5%)


[1, 5, 6]

Risk of transmission via contaminated instruments


Assume highest risk

Likelihood that contaminated instrument was used


Assume highest risk

Efficacy of washer/disinfector (removes 99.999% of vegetative bacteria)**


[1] and Table 1

Effect of HBV desiccation



Effect of autoclaving inside the Steriset Container on gravity cycle (270 F for 15 minutes, pressure 28–30 psig)


Table 1**

Individual risk

~1 × 10-14 (1 in 100 trillion)

  1. *The risk of transmission of hepatitis C or HIV would be lower than the risk of transmission of hepatitis B.
  2. **Enveloped viruses have greater susceptibility to disinfectants and heat than vegetative bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci.