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Table 2 Most frequent bacterial aetiology of complicated urinary tract infections according to source of infection (sources = 948, isolations = 1074)

From: Predictive factors for multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria among hospitalised patients with complicated urinary tract infections

Source (n = 948)

E. coli

n = 559 (52%)

K. pneumoniae

n = 168 (15.6%)

P. aeruginosa

n = 97 (9%)

P. mirabilis

n = 79 (7.3%)

Enterococcus spp.

n = 34 (3.2%)

Indwelling urinary catheterisation

(n = 308), n (%)

124 (40.3%)

63 (20.4%)

58 (18.8%)

40 (25.6%)

18 (5.8%)

Pyelonephritis with normal tract anatomy (n = 196), n (%)

150 (76.5%)

25 (12.7%)

4 (2.0%)

13 (6.6%)

0 (0.0)

Obstructive uropathy (n = 152), n (%)

98 (64.4%)

26 (17.1%)

12 (7.9%)

11 (7.2%)

5 (3.3%)

Urinary tract diversion (n = 84), n (%)

48 (57.1%)

19 (22.6%)

10 (11.9%)

2 (2.4%)

4 (4.8%)

Others (n = 208), n (%)

139 (66.8%)

35 (16.8%)

13 (6.2%)

13 (6.2%)

7 (3.4%)

  1. E. coli, Escherichia coli; K. pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae; P. aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; P. mirabilis, Proteus mirabilis; Enterococcus spp., Enterococcus species. First column include all sources of infection (n = 948), and first raw include the five more frequent bacteria taking as denominator the total number of isolations (n = 1074). All other isolates up to the total number are not included in the table. Denominators in central boxes are the total number of each row (sources)