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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of randomised primary care servicesa and physicians, by intervention group

From: Impact of a multifaceted intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing: a pragmatic cluster-randomised controlled trial



(3 clusters, n = 1217 physicians)


(4 clusters, n = 1393 physicians)

Primary care services, n



Primary care services: habitat, n (%)


22 (35.5)

20 (28.2)


40 (64.5)

51 (71.8)

Primary care services: habitat, n (%)


33 (53.2)

32 (45.1)


29 (46.8)

39 (54.9)

Primary care services: residency training, n (%)

23 (37.1)

18 (25.4)

Physicians, by primary care centre, n (%)

 Median (P25 – P75)

19 (10–27.5)

16 (10–26)

 ≤ 10 physicians

17 (27.4)

19 (26.8)

 10–20 physicians

16 (25.8)

22 (31)

 > 20 physicians

29 (46.8)

30 (42.3)

Size of patient list, by group (sum)



Size of patient list, by physician

 Median (IQR)

1309 (1018–1460)

1357 (1070–1501)

 Mean (SD)

1245 (321.2)

1282 (303.3)

Size of list of patients aged > 65 years, by physician

 Median (IQR)

399 (296–490)

441 (321–536)

Months: number at baseline worked by physician

 Median (IQR)

49 (41–51)

48 (38–49)

Antibiotics for systemic use at baseline

 Number (in millions) of prescription-dispensing (sum)



 DIDs per year (IQR)

15.9 (15.8–16.0)

14.9 (14.8–15.0)

  1. Abbreviations. IQR Interquartile range, SD Standard deviation, DID Defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants
  2. a A service can be formed by a health center (median number of health centers per service (IQR): 3 (1–5))