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Table 6 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for screening the eligibility of the news articles

From: Drivers of global media attention and representations for antimicrobial resistance risk: an analysis of online English and Chinese news media data, 2015–2018


Details of the criteria

Inclusion criteria

News articles reported any of aspects of AMR risk: what AMR is, who or what causes it, what the consequence is, whose responsibility, whether AMR can be controlled and how

Exclusion criteria

1. Full texts were not public-accessible


2. AMR is mentioned as a minor topic rather than the main topic in the article


3. Research articles or project reports for which the target audience are professional rather than the general public


4. Advertisements e.g., new drugs, conference advertisements, advertisement for recruiting subjects for an AMR study


5. Articles is about other drug resistance (e.g., cancer drug resistance)