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Table 3 HCWs’ perception about impact of intervention

From: Effectiveness and sustainability of the WHO multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy in the University Hospital Bouaké, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic


1st Follow-up N (%)*

Has the use of ABHR made hand hygiene easier to practice in your daily work?

118 (79.2)

Is the use of ABHR well tolerated by your hands?

108 (73.0)

Did knowing the results of hand hygiene observation in your ward help you to improve your hand hygiene practices?

88 (61.1)

Has the fact of being observed made you paying more attention to your hand hygiene practices?

88 (69.9)

Were the educational activities that you participated in important to improve your hand hygiene practices?

131 (87.9)

Has the improvement of the safety climate (…) helped you personally to improve your hand hygiene practices?

100 (67.1)

Has your awareness of your role in preventing HAIs by improving your hand hygiene practices increased during the current hand hygiene promotional campaign?

107 (71.8)

  1. *results are shown as number of respondents out of total selecting seven on a seven-point Likert scale, (1 = “not effective”; 7 = “very effective”)