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Table 5 Appropriateness of antibiotic prescriptions in infectious cases

From: Prescriptions patterns and appropriateness of usage of antibiotics in non-teaching community hospitals in South Korea: a multicentre retrospective study


Long-term care hospitals

Acute care hospitals


All hospitals

Appropriateness of diagnosis for infectious diseases1 (%)

 By each antibiotic

282/370 (76.2)

119/155 (76.8)


401/525 (76.4)

 By each patient

191/260 (73.5)

93/123 (75.6)


284/383 (74.2)

Appropriateness of antibiotic prescription, by each antibiotic (%)


 < 0.001



49/370 (13.2)

65/155 (41.9)


114/525 (21.7)


29/370 (7.8)

12/155 (7.7)


41/525 (7.8)


98/370 (26.5)

54/155 (34.8)


152/525 (29.0)


194/370 (52.4)

24/155 (15.5)


218/525 (41.5)

Appropriateness of antibiotic, by each patient (%)


 < 0.001



29/260 (11.2)

48/123 (39.0)


77/383 (20.1)

 Suboptimal: one or more antibiotics were suboptimal

26/260 (10.0)

9/123 (7.3)


35/383 (9.1)

 Suboptimal: unnecessary combination therapy

1/260 (0.4)

3/123 (2.4)


4/383 (1.0)


75/260 (28.8)

41/123 (33.3)


116/383 (30.3)


129/260 (49.6)

22/123 (17.9)


151/383 (39.4)

Appropriateness of antibiotic prescription only in cases with the appropriate diagnosis, by each antibiotic (%)


 < 0.001



49/282 (17.4)

64/119 (53.8)


113/401 (28.2)


27/282 (9.6)

9/119 (7.6)


36/401 (9.0)


53/282 (18.8)

32/119 (26.9)


85/401 (21.2)


153/282 (54.3)

14/119 (11.8)


167/401 (41.6)

Appropriateness of antibiotic prescription only in cases with the appropriate diagnosis, by each patient (%)


 < 0.001



29/191 (15.2)

48/93 (51.6)


77/284 (27.1)

 Suboptimal: one or more antibiotics were suboptimal

24/191 (12.6)

7/93 (7.5)


31/284 (10.9)

 Suboptimal: unnecessary combination therapy

1/191 (0.5)

3/93 (3.2)


4/284 (1.4)


43/191 (22.5)

23/93 (24.7)


66/284 (23.2)


94/191 (49.2)

12/93 (12.9)


106/284 (37.3)

  1. 1In the cases when antibiotics were prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases