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Table 2 Positive vs negative association of risk factors with MDR-TB in Ethiopia

From: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Ethiopia: efforts to expand diagnostic services, treatment and care

Risk factor

Positive association with drug resistance

Negative association with drug resistance

Previous exposure to anti-TB treatment

Agonafir et al.[19], Abate et al.[22], Tessema et al.[23], Esmael et al.[27], Hirpa et al.[31], Berhan et al.[33]

Biadglegne et al.[26]

1+ bacterial load

Esmael et al.[27]


Drug side effects to first-line anti-TB drugs

Hirpa et al.[31]


Treatment not directly observed by a health worker

Hirpa et al.[31]


Interruption of treatment at least a day

Hirpa et al.[31]



Yimer et al.[21], Abebe et al.[24]

Abate et al.[22], Tessema et al.[23], Hirpa et al.[31], Berhan et al.[33]



Yimer et al.[21], Abate et al.[22], Tessema et al.[23], Esmael et al.[27], Hirpa et al.[31], Berhan et al.[33]

Being male

Biadglegne et al.[26]

Yimer et al.[21], Abate et al.[22], Tessema et al.[23], Esmael et al.[27], Hirpa et al.[31],

Newly treated cases

Biadglegne et al.[26]

Agonafir et al.[19], Abate et al.[22], Tessema et al.[23], Esmael et al.[27], Hirpa et al.[31], Berhan et al.[33]

Treatment in poorly performing control program



Exposure to a known MDR-TB case



History of using poor quality of drugs






Failure of first-line short-course chemotherapy
