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Table 1 Changes in carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales control strategy during the entire study period (2017–2020)

From: The impact of enhanced screening for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in an acute care hospital in South Korea


Phase 0

Phase 1

Phase 2

General ward Admission screening


Colonization/infection with CPE within 6 months prior to admission

Colonization/infection with CPE within 6 months prior to admission

Previous admission to outside healthcare facility1 within the past 1 month

Previous admission to any healthcare facility1 within the past 6 months

Transfer from long-term care facilities or acute care hospitals

Transfer from long-term care facilities, acute care hospitals, rehabilitation centers or nursing homes


Receipt of hemodialysis

ICU Admission screening


Universal screening for all patients admitted to ICU

Universal screening for all patients admitted to ICU

ICU Periodic screening



Weekly screening during the ICU stay

Screening method


Two consecutive rectal swab cultures on chromogenic agar with a 24-hour interval, followed by Xpert Carba R assay if cultures are positive

Xpert Carba R assay, followed by two consecutive rectal swab cultures on ChromID CARBA agar with a 24-hour interval

Patient Isolation2

Patient isolation once clinical cultures reported as positive

Patient isolation once cultures reported as positive

Patient isolation once Xpert Carba R assay reported as positive until the following two rectal swab cultures reported negative.

Isolation continued if cultures reported as positive

Patient De-isolation

De-isolation when 3 consecutive cultures with 1 week interval reported negative

De-isolation when 3 consecutive cultures with 1 week interval reported negative

De-isolation when 3 consecutive cultures with 1 week interval reported negative and at least 6 months have elapsed since the first negative conversion

  1. Abbreviation: ICU, intensive care unit
  2. Footnote: 1Acute care hospitals, long-term care hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation hospitals were included. 2Preemptive isolation was performed only for patients with previous CPE colonization/infection