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Table 4 Illustrative comments from thematic content analysis of semistructured interviews

From: Contact investigations for antibiotic-resistant bacteria: a mixed-methods study of patients’ comprehension of and compliance with self-sampling requests post-discharge


Illustrative comment

Content letter: positive opinion

But the letter itself was clear and the instructions on how to take the swabs was also clear. […] And the material was also clear. A precise instruction on what to do, the instruction material was fine.

Content letter: negative opinion

 HRMO information

[…] symptoms of the bacterium are not clear […]

 Self-sampling instructions

Slightly more specific explanation. For someone who never does this [taking swabs] it remains difficult to independently carry this out

 Receiving results

The letter states: in the event of a positive result you will be informed by telephone. But for a negative result, the information is missing


But yes, so, yes, I assume that those letters are sent fairly soon after it becomes known that, eh, one of your roommates did indeed carry that bacterium


[…] uh, the point in time was very far away. […]. Weeks! Because I already thought: well, if I really carry it, then the rest of my environment is also screwed

Reasons for patients to comply with the self-sampling request


Well I really wanted to know if I was carrying that MRSA bacteria


Well, no, I, I thought it was normal to participate. I mean, eh, if I can help someone else with it. That was more my choice


Well, well, if such a bacteria is…is found. And if they can't get a grip on it somehow, that is important, yes