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Table 1 Mapping the components of the IPC education and training in countries of WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region who accepted to participate in the current study

From: Mapping of infection prevention and control education and training in some countries of the World Health Organization’s Eastern Mediterranean Region: current situation and future needs


Total (n = 14a)

IPC education and training curricula


Undergraduate curricula of health sciences majors include defined and elaborate IPC education b

3 (21.4%)

Postgraduate degrees in IPC are available

6 (42.9%)

Training programs are homogenous across the country

8 (57.1%)

Training programs when available are based on National IPC Guidelines put with the support of WHO rather than with academic institutions based on academic curricula

9 (64.3%)

IPC training programs


National training programs are available for IPC physicians and other professionals

10 (71.4%)

National general healthcare worker and link nurses training programs

5 (35.7%)

Healthcare facility-level healthcare worker (physicians, nurses, others) and link nurses training programs are delivered

13 (92.9%)

Physician IPC professional profile and training


IPC physicians should be specialized in Infectious Diseases or Medical Microbiology or Community Medicine

8 (57.1%)

Physicians (from any specialty) can become IPC professionals if they receive training upon enrollment prior to practicing

6 (42.9%)

Shortage of Infectious Diseases specialists or Medical Microbiologists

8 (57.1%)

Non-Physician (Nursing) IPC professional profile and training


Only IPC professionals (nurses) with IPC subspecialty are employed

8 (57.1%)

IPC professionals receive education and training prior to recruitment and/or periodically

10 (71.4%)

Format of IPC training opportunities


Based on national IPC guidelines

9 (64.3%)

Non-Governmental Organization training courses

11 (78.6%)

Training provided by Scientific Societies

4 (28.6%)

Online training modules

10 (71.4%)

  1. Abbreviations:, IPC: Infection prevention and control, WHO: World Health Organization
  2. N.B.
  3. a Included Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen
  4. b Limited and unstructured IPC education is available in some undergraduate health majors curricula, in the form of subsections of certain modules, in 7 countries (50%)