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Table 6 Response to item 5.1 from tripartite survey

From: Assessing transparency and accountability of national action plans on antimicrobial resistance in 15 African countries

Response options to 5.1 “Country progress with development of a national action plan on AMR”

Country responses to tripartite surveys


Description of response options




National AMR action plan developed

Namibia, Seychelles

South Africa


National AMR action plan approved by government that reflects Global Action Plan objectives, with an operational plan and monitoring arrangements

Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe

Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Zambia


National AMR action plan has funding sources identified, is being implemented and has relevant sectors involved with a defined monitoring and evaluation process in place

Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia

Ghana, Liberia, Tanzania