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Table 3 The level of participants’ agreement in each attitude statement (N = 276)

From: Community drug retail outlet staff’s knowledge, attitudes and practices towards non-prescription antibiotics use and antibiotic resistance in the Amhara region, Ethiopia with a focus on non-urban towns


Strongly disagree

n (%)


n (%)

Never agree nor disagree

n (%)


n (%)

Strongly agree

n (%)

Factor loading

Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4

Factor 1: Attitudes towards the roles of antibiotics in recovering from health conditions irrespective of the causes

I believe antibiotics may have a role in recovering from the following health conditions, irrespective of their cause,



75 (27.2)

79 (28.6)

7 (2.5)

93 (33.7)

22 (8)



 Common cold and Cough

65 (23.5)

67 (24.3)

13 (4.7)

104 (37.7)

27 (9.8)



 Acute sore throat

57 (20.6)

51 (18.5)

11 (4)

123 (44.6)

34 (12.3)



 Acute diarrhoea

61 (22)

57 (20.7)

9 (3.3)

118 (42.8)

31 (11.2)



 Wound infection

48 (17.4)

38 (13.8)

10 (3.6)

133 (48.2)

47 (17)



 Uncomplicated urinary tract infection

50 (18.1)

41 (14.9)

11 (4)

137 (49.6)

37 (13.4)



Factor 2: Attitudes towards non-prescription dispensing of antibiotics

The CDRO staff should dispense antibiotics without prescription because refusing to dispense antibiotics without a prescription will negatively affect the CDRO’s sales and profits

121 (43.8)

108 (39.1)

15 (5.5)

19 (6.9)

13 (4.7)




The education I acquired or the knowledge I have about antibiotics is adequate to allow me to dispense antibiotics without a prescription

92 (33.3)

110 (39.9)

12 (4.3)

45 (16.3)

17 (6.2)




The CDRO staff should dispense antibiotics without prescription because refusing clients’ request to dispense antibiotics without prescription may cause client dissatisfaction with the CDRO service

103 (37.3)

110 (39.9)

16 (5.8)

32 (11.6)

15 (5.4)




The CDRO staff should dispense antibiotics without prescription as clients may easily obtain a prescription from their doctor

98 (35.5)

129 (46.7)

8 (3)

34 (12.3)

7 (2.5)




As the pressure from the CDRO owner to increase sales and profits is high, the CDRO staff should dispense antibiotics without a prescription

112 (40.6)

115 (41.7)

17 (6.1)

23 (8.3)

9 (3.3)




The CDRO staff should dispense antibiotics without prescription as they will get it easily from another retail outlet anyway

98 (35.5)

105 (38)

20 (7.3)

35 (12.7)

18 (6.5)




If a patient with a bacterial infection visits a CDRO, the CDRO staff should dispense antibiotics without asking for a prescription

106 (38.4)

118 (42.8)

14 (5)

33 (12)

5 (1.8)




If CDRO staff know that clients have neither the time nor the finance to visit a doctor, they should dispense antibiotics without the prescription

110 (39.8)

107 (38.8)

21 (7.6)

30 (10.9)

8 (2.9)




Factor 3: Attitudes towards professional competency to supply non-prescribed antibiotics

Dispensing antibiotics without a prescription is not a problem because,


 I believe that antibiotics are safe medicines

138 (50)

102 (37)

9 (3.2)

21 (7.6)

6 (2.2)




 I believe that antibiotics have no or few side effects

118 (42.8)

114 (41.3)

7 (2.5)

28 (10.1)

9 (3.3)




 I have the ability to assess the patients’ need for antibiotics

105 (38)

113 (40.9)

18 (6.5)

31 (11.3)

9 (3.3)




 I know whether to dispense antibiotics to the patient or refer them to a doctor

94 (34.1)

99 (35.9)

12 (4.3)

47 (17)

24 (8.7)




 I can properly counsel patients on appropriate use of antibiotics

94 (34.1)

95 (34.4)

16 (5.8)

54 (19.5)

17 (6.2)




Factor 4: Attitudes regarding the actions to prevent antibiotic resistance and/or promote appropriate use

Clients should stop self-medicating with antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of antibiotic resistance

39 (14.1)

26 (9.4)

13 (4.7)

104 (37.7)

94 (34.1)



The CDRO staff should not dispense antibiotics without a prescription because provision of antibiotics without prescription leads to the development of resistance

45 (16.3)

33 (12)

19 (6.9)

97 (35.1)

82 (29.7)



Dispensing antibiotics without a prescription should be more closely controlled by the authorities

29 (10.5)

20 (7.2)

22 (8)

110 (39.9)

95 (34.4)



A CDRO staff should encourage patients to consult a physician and get a prescription before visiting the CDRO

33 (12)

18 (6.5)

8 (2.9)

89 (32.2)

128 (46.4)



Promoting appropriate use of antibiotics is a shared responsibility of healthcare professionals, patients, and policy makers

29 (10.5)

23 (8.4)

10 (3.6)

95 (34.4)

119 (43.1)



Cronbach’s alpha






  1. Five items were dropped due to low factor loading was (< 0.3) or low commonalities. All factors had increasing scale ranging between 1 = strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. Reverse coding was instituted for negative statements