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Table 5 Challenges in implementing IPC per CC identified through interviews with the IPC committee/team of 38 hospitals

From: Infection prevention and control in Indonesian hospitals: identification of strengths, gaps, and challenges

CC3. Education and training

N (%)

CC4. Surveillance of HAIs

N (%)


N (%)

Lack of funding

29 (76.3)

Microbiology laboratory and culture unavailable

13 (34.2)

Difficulties in changing behavior

18 (47.4)

Awareness of and compliance in implementing IPC

13 (34.2)

Awareness and compliance (i.e., lag in data collection and reporting)

11 (28.9)

Lack of funding

14 (36.8)

Lack of human resources; double job and there is no full time IPCN

11 (28.9)

Lack of opportunities to join surveillance training

10 (26.3)

Awareness and compliance (e.g., hand hygiene and safety injection)

14 (36.8)

Difficulty in changing behavior

10 (26.3)

Lack of coordination between IPCN, IPCLN, management, and quality committee

7 (18.4)

Lack of support from management

8 (21.1)

Limited time to join training and low attendance

8 (21.1)

Lack of funding

6 (15.8)

Facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate

8 (21.1)

Facilities and infrastructure are inadequate

7 (18.4)

Lack of data collection and reporting

6 (15.8)

Limited knowledge about MMS

5 (13.2)

Lack of support from management

6 (15.8)

Facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate

5 (13.2)

Lack of human resources (double job)

5 (13.2)

Lack of IPC training opportunities

6 (15.8)

Lack of support from management

5 (13.2)

Lack of IPC training opportunities

5 (13.2)

Lack of trainer (internal or external)

6 (15.8)

No full-time IPCN

5 (13.2)

No full-time IPCN

4 (10.5)

No full-time IPCN

5 (13.2)

Discrepancy between clinician and IPCN in diagnosing HAIs

5 (13.2)

Lack of coordination between hospital departments and IPC committee

4 (10.5)

  1. CC core component, HAIs healthcare-associated infections, MMS multimodal strategies, IPCN infection prevention and control nurse, IPCLN infection prevention and control link nurse