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Table 2 Knowledge about ASP (n = 603)

From: Knowledge and attitude of healthcare prescribers and pharmacists toward antimicrobial stewardship program and the barriers for its implementation

Item a

Correctly Answered N (%)

1- The antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) helps to enhance antimicrobial prescribing by the appropriate selection of antimicrobial regimen.

433 (71.8)

2-ASP helps reducing antimicrobial resistance.

458 (76)

3-ASP helps reducing antimicrobial side effects.

340 (56.4)

4- The Defined Daily Dose (DDD) is the average of maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults.

404 (67)

5- Antimicrobial cycling employs antimicrobial rotation of a particular drug with scheduled substitutions that exhibits a comparable spectrum of activity.

288 (47.8)

6- Transition from broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug to narrow spectrum is important to reduce to antimicrobial resistance problem.

507 (84.1)

7-Time-sensitive automatic stop orders strategy reduces the antimicrobial resistance problem.

383 (63.5)

8- Feedback and reviews by an expert in antimicrobial use have been highly effective in optimizing antimicrobial therapy.

501 (83.1)

9-Prescription of some antimicrobial drugs require the availability of expertise in antibiotics use and infectious disease.

525 (87.1)

10- According to the ASP, the patient can stop the medication before completing the full course if symptoms improve.

477 (79.1)

  1. a The correct answer for questions 1–9 is (True), question 10 is (False)