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Table 1 Product names used in the survey questionnaire assessing healthcare workers’ knowledge, awareness, and practices

From: Knowledge, awareness, and risk practices related to bacterial contamination of antiseptics, disinfectants, and hand hygiene products among healthcare workers in sub-saharan Africa: a cross-sectional survey in three tertiary care hospitals (Benin, Burkina Faso, and DR Congo)

Surveyed products

Country Model List of Essential Medicine [27,28,29]



 • Betadine (povidone-iodine 10%), in the text referred to as povidone iodine

Burkina Faso, Benin, DR Cogo

 • ethanol 70%

Burkina Faso: ethanol 70%

Benin: alcohol 70% (type of alcohol not mentioned)

DR Congo: listed as antiseptic and as disinfectant

 • Dakin solution (stabilized chlorine product)

Burkina Faso: “Stabilized sodium hypochlorite”

 • isopropanol 70% (isopropyl alcohol 70%), in the text referred to as isopropyl alcohol 70%

Not listed



 • Eau de Javel 0.5% (chlorine-based compound) *, in the text referred to as chlorine 0.5%

Burkina Faso: sodium or calcium hypochlorite

Benin: sodium hypochlorite

Hand hygiene products


 • alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR, listed as disinfectant in the WHO EML [30, 31]

Not listed

 • antiseptic liquid soap: contains an antiseptic

Not listed

 • plain liquid soap: liquid soap without antiseptic

Not listed

 • bar soap

Not listed

  1. *WHO EML mentions for liquid chlorine a concentration of 0.1%. Other WHO documents mention concentrations of 0.5% for environmental disinfection [32]
  2. Product names were those used in daily practice by the participants and included proper names (capitalized) and jargon names (italicized), for which the active ingredient is written between brackets. Products mentioned in bold are listed in the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines (abbreviated as WHO EML) [30, 31]. When different from those listed in the table, the product names used in the body text are added. The column at the right indicates if the products are listed on the countries’ Medicines. Abbreviation: DR Congo = Democratic Republic of the Congo